Sunday, October 27, 2019

Urban planning of Edo: Summer cooling strategies integrated with water security

            Haruka Yoshimura, Ph.D.

Fig. 1 A Summer Shower on the Ohashi Bridge and Atake Bank (Tokyo: 35°41′ N, 139°47′ E) from the series One Hundred Views of Edo, Hiroshige, originally published 185659 (Image courtesy of the Adachi Institute of Woodcut Prints). Availability of freshwater resources we humanity depend upon is a dynamic part of the natural water cycle. The main link between the oceans and land, evaporated water from oceans returning as precipitation on land, is extremely important. A significant portion of precipitation on land is formed in contiguous feedback pathways of active vegetation/atmosphere interactions ( Occurrence of summer convective storms in afternoons, which last for about an hour, is an indicator of active interactions between ocean and vegetation/atmosphere. In Edo, summer thunderstorms were frequent owing to the high probability of cumulonimbus cloud development stemming from well-designed series of active vegetation/atmosphere feedback pathways.

Global trends of urbanization
Humanity is rapidly urbanizing. Whereas in 1900 a mere 10% of the global population lived in urban areas, this figure had grown to 55% in 2018. By 2050, 68% of the world population is projected to live in urban areas (UN 2018).
During the 20th century, urban areas around the world have experienced dramatic growth (Angel et al. 2011). Today, urban land is expanding faster than urban populations (Seto et al. 2010, 2012; Angel et al. 2011). The global trends of urbanization continue and urban areas are forecast to nearly triple in size between 2000 and 2030 (Seto et al. 2012). This will result in widespread loss of croplands and therefore decline in food productivity (Seto and Ramankutty 2016; dAmour et al. 2017).
A widely expressed concern about urbanization is that urban land expansion will alter the functioning of the Earth system through modification of land-cover, biogeochemistry (cycles of matter and energy transfer), and hydrology (Vitousek et al. 1997; Foley et al. 2005; Grimm et al. 2008).

Critical constraint on urban sustainability: Freshwater resource availability
Water is essential to all life and for sustainability of human society. Adequate availability of quality freshwater is vital to sociocultural and economic development in the rapidly urbanizing world. At the beginning of the 21st century, freshwater resource availability has emerged as the principal constraint on urban sustainability (Gleick 2010; McDonald et al. 2011).
In the United States, it is apparent that current practice of water resources management of the Colorado River Basin is unsustainable without fundamental change. The streamflow of the Colorado River Basin is allocated to seven states (Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming) and Mexico, by building dams and aqueduct systems on a scale unprecedented in human history (Gleick 2010). Water levels at Lake Mead (in the lower basin, the largest reservoir in the US, formed by the Hoover Dam built in 1935) and Lake Powell (in the upper basin, the second largest reservoir in the US, formed by the Glen Canyon Dam completed in 1963) are declining precipitously (Castle et al. 2014; Associated Press 2018). The water of Lake Mead and Lake Powell is mainly used for agricultural purposes, hydropower generation and water utilities by many cities, such as Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Phoenix, Tucson and San Diego. Since the beginning of 20th century, flow of the Colorado River has drastically decreased. In most years since 1960, the river has run dry before reaching the sea (Malmqvist and Rundle 2002; Gleick 2003; Gleick and Palaniappan 2010), indicating that streamflow of the Colorado River Basin is overexploited. 
In the 2000s, severe multiyear droughts have hit the Colorado River Basin. During drought, groundwater supply plays an important role in meeting water needs. Castle et al. (2014) indicate rapid groundwater depletion during the 9 year drought period from December 2004 to November 2013. As groundwater resources will play an increasingly important role in meeting future water needs in this over-allocated river system, the depletion of the groundwater resources suggests vulnerability of freshwater resource availability in the Colorado River Basin.
The Colorado River Basin supports 50 million people, 92% of whom live in urban areas. Between 1920 and 2000, population in the seven states grew 762% (Gleick 2010). The population in this basin is expected to add another 23 million people between 2000 and 2030 (Gober and Kirkwood 2010, from US Census Bureau US population projections, 2009). As large cities require huge amounts of water to satisfy domestic and industrial needs, a continued trend of demand exceeding availability (surface water and groundwater) threatens urban sustainability in the Colorado River Basin.  
Cities around the world are facing the deepening challenges of freshwater resource availability. In China, the Yellow River no longer flows to the sea, as nearly all usable surface waters are stored in reservoirs by dams for transport to domestic and industrial users in metropolitan cities (Fang et al. 2010). The groundwater tables of Beijing (Chinas capital) and other large northern cities are falling dramatically as a result of the overexploitation of groundwater (Zheng et al. 2010). Similarly, groundwater storage is decreasing in Delhi (Indias capital) and the surrounding states of Rajasthan, Punjab and Haryana due to unsustainable consumption of groundwater for irrigation and other anthropogenic use, as data from NASAs GRACE satellites indicate (Rodell et al. 2009).
In the Middle East and North Africa, one of the cradles of civilization and of urban culture, numerous rivers and lakes have dried up during centuries or millenniums. The flow of the remaining rivers such as the Tigris-Euphrates River has been declining and the remaining lakes such as the Aral Sea and Lake Chad are shrinking. Under the situation of declining surface water availability, overexploitation of (fossil) groundwater through the introduction of submersible pumps and drilling of deep aquifers from the last half of the 20th century aggravated the freshwater resource availability in this region (
Population growth has also exacerbated natural water resource constraints in this region. Countries of the Middle East and North Africa experienced the highest rate of population growth of any region in the world over the past century. In this region, the population has fluctuated around 30 million for hundreds of years, reaching 60 million early in the 20th century. In the last half of the 20th century, population size quadrupled from around 100 million in 1950 to about 430 million in 2007. The population in this region is projected to surpass 700 million by 2050 (Roudi-Fahimi and Kent 2007).
The historical regions of Fertile Crescent and surrounding areas have been recently hit by severe and sustained droughts. In response to the droughts, groundwater abstraction increased to meet agricultural and domestic needs. The rapid increase in groundwater consumption with no replenishment from precipitation or streamflow has led to groundwater losses (e.g., Voss et al. 2013).  Collapse of agricultural productivity due to severe depletion of groundwater resources and the prolonged droughts compels people to migrate to cities in search of employment. However, capability of the cities as refugee areas is strained, as the structural deficit of natural water resources contributes to unemployment, economic dislocation, and social unrest (Voss et al. 2013; Gleick 2014; Kelly et al. 2015).
In the Middle East and North Africa, there is a long history of conflict over water, as records show over 4500 years ago in ancient Mesopotamia (e.g., Gleick 2014). The current dire situation of conflicts and spurring violence is caused principally by the reduced availability of natural water resources (Voss et al. 2013; Gleick 2014; Kelly et al. 2015). These violent conflicts do not contribute to reducing the pressures on water resources but rather miss an opportunity for cooperative water management (Voss et al. 2013). Many ancient lost cites found in archaeological sites of the southern Arabian Peninsula from around 5000 years ago (Lézine et al. 2010) may implicate consequence of conflicts over water resources.   

Need for urban governance to improve capacity of ecosystem services  
Urban inhabitants require huge productive ecosystems for food production, water and renewable resources that are consumed inside the cities, and for the assimilation of waste that outputs from the cities (Folke et al. 1997; Kaye et al. 2006; Grimm et al. 2008). As for the appropriate ecosystem areas that the cities depend on, Folke et al. (1997) estimate at least 5001,000 times larger than the area of cities themselves in a case in the Baltic Sea region.
While cities are supported by resources and ecosystem services from rural regions, the capacity of the rest of the planet to sustain cities with ecological services is increasingly eroded (Hooke et al. 2012). Therefore, urban regions must take increased responsibility for resource management and reducing impact on the functioning of the Earth system (Seitzinger et al. 2012).

Urban governance of land and water for freshwater resource availability
Renewable freshwater resource (surface and groundwater) is a naturally circulating resource (Oki and Kanae 2006). In view of fresh water availability, the terrestrial renewable fresh water supply equals precipitation on land through hydrological cycle driven by solar radiation energy (Postel et al. 1996; Pimentel et al. 2004). Solar radiation energy causes evaporation from Earths surface into the atmosphere. Evaporation from the oceans constitutes 86% of evaporated water from the Earth. Although only 14% of the water evaporation is from land, about 20% of the worlds precipitation falls on land, with the surplus water returning to the oceans through rivers. This main link in the hydrological cycle between the oceans and land is extremely important not only for quantitative renewability but also qualitative restoration (Shiklomanov 1993). A significant portion of the freshwater from oceans to land areas is recurring through a series of feedback pathways via vegetation/atmosphere interactions. In the series of feedback pathways, biological processes such as photosynthesis and transpiration of terrestrial vegetation play an essential role.
In interior hydrologically-closed regions (such as the basins of the Caspian Sea and the Aral Sea, the Lakes of Chad, the Great Salt Sea, and so on), the natural water cycle that evaporated water from the seas, lakes and the runoff returns on land as sufficient precipitation is critically important, because precipitation in interior-basin drainage is maintained mainly by the series of feedback pathways of vegetation/atmosphere interactions. In current practice, the unrecoverable use of the runoff of interior regions may undermine the integrity of regional natural water cycle, leading to ongoing aridity through entire water loss by evaporation/transpiration.
Land transformation results in changes in precipitation pattern and the ongoing rapid land conversion can disrupt the water cycle (Pielke et al. 2007). Urban land expansioncreating human-dominated form of land use for housing and activities of urban populationshas increased impervious areas: paved roads, parking lots, and buildings. Large geographic area of the dry surfaces covered with impenetrable materials such as asphalt and concrete directly influence surface energy balance. In addition, an almost-complete elimination of the biological process triggers disruption of natural water cycle.
Although urban land cover occupies only around 3% of the global terrestrial surface (Grimm et al. 2008), large geographic areas of impenetrable surfaces are distributed on critical zones in the contiguous feedback pathways. Cities have historically developed within the near coastal-zone, near major rivers, and near lakes. Most urban areas are situated in the interface between land and water: estuarine and coastal zones in regions of oceanic drainage; riparian zones and land near rivers and lakes in interior hydrologically-closed regions. In terms of natural water cycle, these terrestrial-aquatic interfaces are critically important, as evaporated water from ocean/lake converts to source of rain-cloud. In the land-water interface zones, condensation occurs by collision of moist air of different temperatures: evaporated water from the water bodies and cool water vapor released by vegetations transpiration. The condensation process is the first step of natural water cycle and provides droplets for cumulonimbus-cloud development to grow large and vertically high ( Current urban land expansion in critical zones induces unprecedented hydrological change. The altered surface energy balance coupled with elimination of the biological process on critical zones causes closure of the primary pathway of the condensation process in the series of vegetation/atmosphere interactions. This in turn leads to subsequent disruption of the natural water cycle. Recognizing the link between land use and precipitation on land, urban regions must take increased responsibility as part of the regional hydrological cycle integrity, as renewable freshwater resources cannot be substituted for urban sustainability.

Urban planning in Eastern philosophy to ensure water security
A strategy of urban land planning and management to ensure reliable and high-quality freshwater supply via natural water cycle was considered an important core issue of urban governance in traditional Eastern philosophy. The art of Ukiyo-e (Japanese wood-block prints) by Hiroshige Utagawa (17971858) depicts renowned landscapes featuring unique urban design to secure sufficient precipitation via vegetation/atmosphere interactions, showcasing the endeavors of Japanese traditional civil engineering that successfully maintained natural water cycle.     
Most changes in precipitation pattern are not only the result of current human activities, but are based on a long history of human influences ( Today, most of us are urban dwellers, and accustomed to urban landscapes covered with dry impenetrable surfaces with an almost-complete elimination of the biological process. Unfortunately, we are unaware of what the sequential landscapes of the contiguous vegetation/atmosphere interactions look like. Hiroshiges prints provide guidance for sustainable human interaction with the urban environment from the standpoint of the renewability of water resources.

Significant cooling effect of summer convective storm
Large-scale urban land expansion poses unprecedented challenges in changing urban climate: hotter and drier climates, especially in summertime. The elevated summertime temperatures increase cooling-energy use to compensate for the so-called urban heat island effect (e.g., Akbari 2002). Heat waves, extreme events associated with hot sustained temperatures, have been known to produce notable impacts on human mortality. The summer 2003 Europe heat wave caused approximately 22,000 to 45,000 heat-related deaths across Europe (Patz et al. 2005; Robine et al. 2007). The 2006 California heat wave killed more than 600 (Guirguis et al. 2014). The heat waves are expected to become more intense, more frequent, and longer lasting (Meehl and Tebaldi 2004).    
Ancient Japanese architects were aware of the importance of climatic comfort in summer and paid more attention to optimize all elements of Nature: water, solar radiation, wind, and so on. For example, Kenko Yoshida (a Japanese monk, Ca., A.D.12821350) referred to the importance of summertime climatic comfort and discussed design issues related to cooling effects in and around buildings in his work, Tsurezuregusa (徒然草, The Miscellany of a Japanese Priest, 13301332): When building a house, it should be designed to suit the summer. In winter one can live anywhere (with any heating measures*added by the author) but in the hot weather an uncomfortable house is indeed trying. (Translated by Porter, 1914)
In summer, intense solar radiation causes active evaporation from the ocean and biological process of vegetation. Due to the intense interaction between active evaporation and biological process, large and vertically high cumulonimbus clouds develop. The top of these clouds can reach near the tropopause, the boundary in the Earths atmosphere between the troposphere and stratosphere. The average depth of the tropopause is 20km (12miles) in the tropics and 17km (11miles) in the mid latitudes. In the cumulonimbus clouds, abundant droplets develop while being swept up and down by turbulent air currents in the upper part of troposphere, where the temperature is much cooler. When droplets grow to an intolerable weight no longer supported by updraft, rain drops eventually fall when there is a rush of cold air. Therefore, gusty cool winds and a sharp drop in temperature accompany and follow the summer convective storms. Even on a hot day close to 30 degrees Celsius (86 degrees Fahrenheit), the temperature drops to around 25 degrees Celsius (77 degrees Fahrenheit), and the coolness lasts overnight. The afternoon rain is over within an hour, and the sky soon clears.
The evening coolness, climatic comfort in summer, underpinned the unique urban culture of Edo. The leisure activities and celebrations connected with 夕涼み yuusuzumi—“enjoying the evening coolness were pleasures for the people of Edo. Enjoying the spectacular fireworks display in the heart of the city associated with船遊  funaasobi—“entertainments afloat, the most popular leisure activity during the warmest time of the year, represents the essence of Edos urban culture (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2 Enjoying the Fireworks and the Cool of the Evening by the Ryogoku-bashi Bridge (Tokyo: 35°41 N, 139°47 E) from the series Thirty-six Views of Leisure and Occasions in Edo, Hiroshige(a disciple of Hiroshige) and Toyokuni (a close associate of Hiroshige), originally published 1864 (Image courtesy of the National Diet Library, Japan). Summer convective storms bring evening coolness that lasts overnight. The climatic comfort in summer underpinned the unique urban culture of Edo: 夕涼み yuusuzumi—“enjoying the evening coolness. Enjoying the fireworks associated with船遊  funaasobientertainments afloat represents the essence of Edos urban culture.

More rapidly rising night-time temperatures than day-time temperatures in recent extreme events have emerged as a critical risk factor to human health and well-being. Unprecedented increase in night-time temperatures is adversely affecting human health (Gershunov et al. 2009; Bumbaco et al. 2013; Guirguis et al. 2014). Increase in night-time temperatures occur mainly due to altering surface energy balance. The incoming solar radiation is absorbed by impervious surfaces such as asphalt and concrete during the day. At night, buildings and streets release the absorbed solar radiation: longwave radiation (storage) (Oke 1982; Kalnay and Cai 2003).
It is apparent that regional hydrological cycle and climate are closely linked.  Occurrence of summer convective storms brought on by cumulonimbus clouds contributes to climatic comfort in summer.  
Fig. 3 High LAI vegetation, such as in mature forests, shields solar radiation  with stratified canopy foliage, which in turn keeps soil and soil moisture cool. Deep root system uptakes cool moisture from the soil and extracts cold groundwater, and accordingly cool moisture is released via transpiration. To ensure the natural water cycle, strategic placement of high LAI vegetation with a high degree of connectivity of active biological process is required from the first stage of the pathway via traveling zone to mountain slope. As cloudlets produced by condensation process in terrestrial-aquatic interface zones grow large with contiguous supply of moisture by vegetation/atmosphere interactions while traveling toward mountain slopes where cumulonimbus-clouds develop massive and vertically high by triggering convection.   

Strategic placement of terrestrial vegetation and high degree of the connectivity
Precipitation on land is the main source of urban freshwater resource availability. The terrestrial renewable fresh water supply equals precipitation on land (Postel et al. 1996), a significant volume of which is a dynamic resource controlled by biological process of terrestrial biosphere. Urban land expansion triggers disruption of natural water cycle through the loss, degradation, and fragmentation of terrestrial biosphere. To sustain terrestrial renewable fresh water supply, strategic placement of high LAI vegetation (Fig. 3) with high degree of the connectivity of the active biological process is essential.

Fig. 4 (a) Location of Edo. A: Imperial Palace; B: Inokashira-no ike Pond; C: Hamura, water intake point from Tama-gawa River; D: Koganei along Tamagawa-jyosui aqueduct. (b) Locations Hiroshige depicts. a: Edo Castle; b: Nihon-bashi district; c: brackish zone of Sumida-gawa River; d: ancient estuary of Sumida-gawa River; e: reclaimed marsh land; f: Ryogoku-bashi Bridge; g: Atake Bank; h: Camellia Hill along Kanda-jyosui aqueduct; i: Storage and distribution center of Tamagawa-jyosui aqueduct at Yotsuya-mon gate, (Image courtesy of the 4th edition of Meyers Konversations-lexikon, 188590).  

History of Edo
Edo (lit., bay-entrance or estuary) is the former name of the Japanese capital Tokyo (35°41N, 139°45E) developed at estuaries of Tone-gawa River system that originated from northern mountain ranges (Fig. 4a). In the downstream, ancient Tone-gawa River was a low gradient; broader reach of the floodplain was replete with oxbows and backwaters, vestiges of former channels. In its delta, a complicated deltaic morphology of the distributary networks developed together with meandering streams with no firm channels.
Edo (Tokyo) lies on the shores of Edo (Tokyo) Bay, where vast tracts of mudflats formed in intertidal areas as a result of deposition of sediment. Because the shallow water provided natural resources such as food and the sheltered bay was a natural harbor for commerce and communication, this area was settled from ancient times. In 1877, the American scholar Edward S. Morse (18381925) excavated the first shell mound, known as Omori Kaizuka, dating back from around 4,0002,350 years ago It contained sea-shells, ceramics and sculpture of religious significance. The archaeological survey shows the ancient settlements in the coastline.  
A legend in Japans first written records, the Kojiki (古事記, Records of  Ancient Matters, A.D.711712) and Nihon shoki (日本書記, The Chronicles of Japan, finished in 720) dating from the 6th to the 8th centuries, indicates that the coastline zones were of strategic importance for ocean commerce and communication, and gateways to hinterland, at those times: When Prince Yamato-Takeru, commanded to quell some tribes rising in the eastern provinces, was crossing what would become Edo Bay in boats a storm blew up. In order to appease Ryujin (龍神, the Japanese mythological god of ocean/sea who ruled water flow and ocean-atmosphere interaction, typically portrayed as a sea-dwelling dragon), Princess Ototachibana sacrificed herself by leaping into the seething waves. When the prince reached a small islet shore among marshes safely, he looked back to where she had died and exclaimed Aa tsuma 吾妻”—“Oh, my wife. The word Azuma, a poetic name for all the eastern provinces and for the East in general, has the legendary explanation.
From the legendary era onward, the estuary zones on the bay developed as important center of commerce and communication.
Dokan Ota (14321486), a Japanese military strategist and architect, planned the urban development of Edo and built Edo Castle (now the Imperial Palace) in 14561457. This had been the site of a dry plateau covered with a thick layer of volcanic parent materials originating from surrounding volcanoes, nearby a natural harbor at a cove, in which he constructed ports (Endoh 2004).
Ieyasu Tokugawa (15421616) settled in the Edo Castle (Fig. 4a, b) in 1590, and after establishing his Shogunate (military governing dynasty) in 1603, used it as its headquarters; while the emperor was maintained as symbolic head of state residing in Kyoto. During the Tokugawa Shogunate (16031868), Edo grew to become the largest city in the world at the time, estimated population of over 1,000,000 by 1721 (Sansom 1963; Uspensky 2003). 
Unlike other urban planning in the Eurasian continent (ca., Sumerian civilization city of Uruk along the Euphrates, walled city of Xian in China), city fortification was designed by moat complex for defense (Fig. 4b). The Sumida-gawa River (Fig. 4a, b), then simply called the Great River, ran along the eastern edge of the political center of Edo. When Ieyasu settled in the Edo Castle in 1590, the eastern edge was coastline interfacing Edo Bay and large tracts of salt marshes, mud flats and tidal shallows extended along the bay (Endoh 2004).

Perspective views of sequential rain-cloud formation pathway
Hiroshige illustrated many prints highlighting the sequence of rain-cloud formation pathway from first location of the pathway via traveling zone of developing cloud to the far-away mountain in a picture plane. Owing to his samurai backgroundHiroshiges father was the son of Tokuemon Tanaka, who held a position of considerable importance in the service of the powerful Tsugaru family in Mutsu (present-day Aomori prefecture) (Oka, translated by Jones 1992), Hiroshige probably had knowledge of the conceptual framework for design and urban planning in Eastern philosophy.  
Although Western-style vanishing point perspective was already introduced to Japan, Hiroshige employed the Japanese perspective, which positioned far-away mountain higher on the picture plane (Fig. 5, 6, 7, 8). These prints, vertical composition culminated in a distant mountain, seem to be a type of diagram that represents flow of process of rain-cloud formation.
In these prints, Hiroshige organized space on unique principles: he positioned the first stage of rain-cloud formation pathway in the foreground in best view; he scaled the important far-away mountain figure larger than actual visibility (Fig. 5, 6, 7, 8, 10); he arranged the location of the mountain (Fig. 7); he sometimes superimposed two pictures from different angles: e.g., in Fig. 8, he placed the far-away mountains (the Nikko mountain range) with their most familiar characteristic silhouette on the foreground fountain landscape (the Inokashira-no ike Pond), depicted from different angles.   
In his prints, more attention was paid to the connectivity of important elements of rain-cloud formation pathways than to precise verisimilitude.  Nevertheless, his notations are completely true records of the functioning of landscapes in keeping natural water cycle. 

Fig. 5 View of the Eastern Capital from the Ichikoku-bashi Bridge (Tokyo: 35°41 N, 139°46 E) from the series Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji, Hiroshige, originally published 1858. A panorama of Edo Castle and the mansions of feudal lords in view from the important commercial center of the city. Edo was an exquisite garden city: the gardens of temples/shrines numbered some 60,000; the gardens of feudal lords mansions numbered some 1,000. Green zones lay undisturbed over the entire city. Grey-white veils of mist produced by active interaction between biological process of green zones and evaporated water from coast to the moat complex are depicted traveling to a distant Mount Fuji.

Floating city of Edo
In Fig. 5, Hiroshige depicts a perspective view from the Nihon-bashi district (important commercial center of the city) with a distant Mount Fuji (elevation: 3,776m (12,389ft), Fig. 4a), farsighted the Edo Castle surrounded by the mansions of influential feudal lords, 大名 daimyo—“the governors of provinces, and high-ranking samurai.
In 1592 as soon as Ieyasu settled, he started to produce the moat system extending from the Edo Castle in a clockwise spiral. The moat system was an effective defense feature, but it called for an unprecedented amount of labor and took years to complete. Soil dug from the moat construction was used to fill up an inlet near the castle and the reclaimed land was used as a residential area for feudal lords. Following in 1603, soil was excavated from the plateau near the castle and used to extend the land, including the Nihon-bashi district, for commercial use and housing area for merchants/craftsmen (Endoh 2004).
In this perspective view, an aged willow tree planted embankment in the foreground implies long history of the moat system, almost 260 years at the time he illustrated. Structurally important points in the embankment of the moat system, such as bridge abutment, were reinforced with dry stone walls without any mortar to bind them together. The dry stone walls submerged by moat water are constructed upon closely spaced wooden piles made from pine trees not to sink into the soft ground. The pine wood does not rot in wet and oxygen-poor conditions. Conceptual basis of this method is similar to the technology in Venice, Italy, which is formed on a lagoon; the buildings are constructed on closely spaced wooden piles in muddy soil, which naturally preserve the wood from decay (e.g., Branch 1997). 

Fig. 6 View of the Heart of the Eastern Capital form Brackish Zone of the Sumida-gawa River (Tokyo: 35°41 N, 139°47 E) from the series One Hundred Views of Edo, Hiroshige. A large tract of man-made marsh land in the foreground provided the city protection from waves and storm surge. Rosy-white veils of mist over the garden city represent growing clouds, traveling to a distant Mount Fuji.

Gardens as part of the management of natural water cycle as a whole
Edo was an exquisite garden city. The garden of temples and shrines numbered some 60,000 in Edo. The governors of provinces, which numbered some 300, had several mansions in Edo. The gardens of the feudal lords mansions numbered some 1,000. Although the population density was very high, green zones lay undisturbed alongside heavily built-up districts (Uspensky 2003).
The important component of the Japanese garden as a part of the management of natural water cycle as a whole is that these gardens equipped thick residential forests. In Fig. 5 and Fig. 6, vast expanses of crowns of the forests are depicted in the residential area of feudal lords. The Edo Castle complex, in view in the distance, is mostly concealed by the crowns of trees.
 In Fig. 6, the landscape is a view of the heart of the city (depicted in Fig. 5) from the brackish zone of the Sumida-gawa River. The location was called Mitsumata, meaning the point where three watercourses meet; another name Wakareno fuchi, meaning where the streams of fresh and sea water divide. At high tide, the salt water of Edo Bay would come up river as far as here (Fig. 4b).
Fortified feudal lords mansions at water fronts are enclosed by crowns of residential forests. Large expanses of residential forests of the Edo Castle and feudal lords mansions lay high degree of connectivity.
In the foreground, a large tract of man-made reed marsh spreads. Salt marshes, characterized by extremely high primary and secondary production (Odum 1963), have provided coastal protection from waves and storm surge, erosion control, water purification, maintenance of fisheries, and carbon sequestration (Barbier et al. 2011). Hiroshige depicts awareness of the valuable benefits of salt marshes to humans in urban planning. 
Grey veils of mist produced by the well-designed series of active vegetation/atmosphere feedback pathways are depicted traveling to a distant Mount Fuji in Fig. 5 and 6. 

Fig. 7 Sacred Groves of Suijin  (水神, Japanese god of water) at Ancient Estuary of the Sumida-gawa River (Tokyo: 35°44 N, 139°48 E) from the series One Hundred Views of Edo, Hiroshige (Image courtesy of the Adachi Institute of Woodcut Prints). The sacred grove surrounded by irregular-shaped wetlands provided protection from waves and storm surge for an important military facility of Sumida-gawa Palace located behind it. High degree of connectivity of biological process by sacred groves and reedbeds along canals play a role in rain-cloud formation pathway.

High degree of connectivity of biological process along human-made canal
While only a tiny proportion (0.006%) of the worlds fresh water is present in streams and rivers (Shiklomanov 1993; Shiklomanov and Rodda 2003), running water is the main source of freshwater for all human use.  Furthermore, high degree of connectivity of biological process of riparian zones plays an essential role in rain-cloud formation pathway.
In Fig. 7, Hiroshige depicts ancient estuary of the Sumida-gawa River. When Ieyasu settled in Edo in 1590, the mouth of the Sumida-gawa River was situated here (Fig. 4b). At the time, this site was an important military strategic point from attacks by sea, as well as functioning as first stage of rain-cloud formation.
From around 1596, the tidal marshes had been filled for urban development (Endoh 2004). As shown in Fig. 4b, a grid of canals paralleled the grid of roads in the reclaimed land of the eastern parts of the Sumida-gawa River. Thus, the Sumida-gawa River was planned and constructed as a transportation canal.
Hiroshige depicts a view from on the high bank in the eastern parts of the Sumida-gawa River, beneath a blossoming branch of a double-blossomed cherry tree. The aged cultivar cherry tree implies that the landscape was elaborately shaped by humans.
Strategic placement of sacred forests and forbidden lands with high LAI.  A large number of forests of high LAI was created on the reclaimed marshland to sustain the functioning of rain-cloud formation. In common lands (any land in public ownership or to which everyone has access), loss of the functioning of active biological process due to forest degradation occurs easily when every individual pursuit of personal gain (e.g, wood cutting) is allowed. To avoid tragedy of the commons (Hardin, 1968), land governance systems were carefully planned. 
Shrines/temples were newly built to protect points of strategic importance; the forests of shrines/temples were deemed sacred, thus the functioning preserved. In Fig. 7, a stone torii gate and two lanterns mark the entrance to an extensive grove of 水神 Suijinn—“the Japanese Shinto god of water who ruled the element of water, the defender and master of the river. On the opposite bank, sacred grove of 稲荷Inari—“the deity of the harvest is placed.
Owing to its military importance, Sumida-gawa Palace and a military facility stood on this reclaimed land. They served as a villa for the shogun family and a military base /garrison, and the surrounding area was used by the shogun for falconry. As forbidden land, the functioning of the forests was maintained.
Irregular-shaped wetlands covered with common reed (Phragmites australis) surrounding the shrine are depicted in Fig. 7. In Japan, reedbeds had been valued in keeping connectivity of biological process along streams together with other ecosystem services: erosion control, water purification and maintenance of fisheries (Kiviat 2013). Irregular-shaped reedbeds make longer interface zones between terrestrial biosphere and aquatic biosphere, which in turn enhances quantity of ecosystem services. To create reedbeds, closely spaced wooden piles made from pine wood were driven into the riverbed. Pine wood does not rot in wet conditions and becomes hard as stone when left immersed in water. Man-made reedbeds, wooden piles together with underground rhizomes of Phragmites, are effective against erosion. Along with the wetland and by the far opposite bank, numerous loosely spaced wooden piles driven into riverbed are realistically represented. The large quantity of piles served as a sort of breakwater, preventing the bank from being washed away by the strong current. The breakwater piles are depicted in almost every print with shoreline views (e.g., Fig. 2, 6, 7, 9).
The man-made canal with high degree of connectivity of biological process by the sacred forests and reedbeds was an active rain-cloud formation pathway, and rosy-white veils of mist formed by vegetation/atmosphere interaction are depicted traveling to a distant Mount Tsukuba (elevation: 877m (2,877ft), Fig. 4a).
 Downstream of the Sumida-gawa River, the Ryogoku-bashi Bridge (Fig. 2, 4a) was built in 16591661 to link the established center of the city with newly reclaimed land in the eastern area of the Sumida-gawa River. By the bridge, several shrines/temples were built, and sacred forests were created to stabilize soft ground by the deep root systems.
Further downstream of the Sumida-gawa River, the bridge shown in Fig. 1 was built in 1693. The Atake in the title was a popular name of the east bank, where the large naval galley: Atake-maru, est. keel length 38m (125ft) built in 1635, was moored for almost fifty years (Fig. 4b). Military strategic point moved downstream along the extended reclaimed land, and naval facilities were situated here at the time Hiroshige depicted the scene. Hiroshige may imply the functioning of the tall and thick riparian forests in occurrence of summer convective storms.  

Fig. 8 Eastern Capitals Main Source of Drinking Water, the Inokashira-no ike Pond (Tokyo: 35°42 N, 139°34 E) from the series One Hundred Views of Edo, Hiroshige. Hiroshige depicts architecture of natural water cycle in interior hydrologically-closed region. To protect the functioning of natural water cycle and groundwater recharge, vast tracts of the forest land in the vicinity of the pond and over the travelling zones of growing clouds were designated as falconry fields for the shogun family.
Architecture of natural water cycle in interior hydrologically-closed region
In Fig. 8, Hiroshige depicts the location of Eastern Capitals main source of drinking water, the Inokashira-no ike Pond (Fig. 4a), meaning a pond of the Top of Water Sources, (45m asl). The pond was fed by seven underground springs, which gave it its other name Nanai-no ike, the Seven Spring Pond.
In Fig. 8, important elements of rain-cloud formation pathway in interior hydrologically-closed region are depicted.
The Inokashira-no ike Pond was a hydrologically-closed lake. The thick riparian forest zones are first stages of rain-cloud formation, where active condensation occurs in summer; moist air of different temperatures collide: warm moist air containing evaporated water from the pond and cool moist air by biological process of transpiration. Rosy-white mist develops while traveling over the uninterrupted forests to the distant Nikko mountain range including Mount Nantai on the left (elevation: 2,486m (8,156ft), Fig. 4a).
In interior hydrologically-closed regions, the loop of regional natural water cycle is critically important. Evaporated water from the water bodies returns as precipitation on land, which in turn replenishes the water of lakes, groundwater and groundwater springs.
Due to critical importance of thick riparian forests and uninterrupted forests over the travelling zones of growing clouds, vast tracts of the land in the vicinity of the pond and forests of the travelling zones were designated as falconry fields for the shogun family and the royal barons, first and foremost three clans related to the Tokugawa dynasty. As protected land, high degree of connectivity of biological process was maintained, which in turn contributed to the functioning of natural water cycle and groundwater recharge. 

Fig. 9 The Kanda-jyosui Aqueduct near the Edo Castle (Tokyo: 35°43 N, 139°43 E) from the series One Hundred Views of Edo, Hiroshige. To preserve clean drinking water, the stream and the riparian zones were maintained as forbidden zones. The management practice of prohibiting wood cutting and removal of forest floor litter/limbs accelerated forest succession and formed tall and dense forests as seen in the far background. Yet, some spots were open to the public to provide recreational activities such as admiring the cherry blossoms in spring.  

Municipal water supply system in Edo
In 1590 when Ieyasu came to Edo, he immediately started a municipal water supply system project. He enjoyed falconry very much; yet, hunting in the surrounding areas was a means of reconnoitering and monitoring. While hunting by a clear fountain (Fig. 8), he stopped to drink; he tried the water and appreciated both its clarity and its taste. He ordered construction of an aqueduct leading from this fountain to a small dam near the Edo Castle (10m asl): the Kanda-jyosui aqueduct (Fig. 9). From the dam, built as an earth embankment with a retaining dry stone wall, the potable water was distributed to residential areas in Edo by gravity, using water pipes made from stone or wood (Ito 2010). 
From the beginning of the Edo period, the Kanda-jyosui aqueduct was the main source of drinking water and it remained an important source up to the Meiji period (18681912).
Fig. 10 The Tamagawa-jyosui Aqueduct in Koganei (Koganei, Tokyo: 35°42 N, 139°32 E) from the series Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji, Hiroshige (Image courtesy of the Adachi Institute of Woodcut Prints). In 1653, a 43km (26.7miles) long canal was constructed to meet rapidly increased needs for drinking water. In 1737, the eighth shogun, Yoshimune, ordered the 6km (3.73miles) long embankments along the aqueduct in Koganei planted with some thousand wild cherries (Prunus jamasakura), which created an attractive spectacle when they blossomed in spring.

Groundwater in the newly formed land was not potable due to seawater intrusion. In addition, the Kanda-jyosui aqueduct system remained a challenge, as its distribution center at a low elevation (10m asl, almost the height of a 3-story building) was a constraint on water supply to the low-lying newly reclaimed land in the vicinity of the Edo Castle.
In 1653, the Tamagawa-jyosui aqueduct, a 43km (26.7miles) long canal form the intake point from the Tama-gawa River at Hamura (35°76 N, 139°31 E, 130m asl; Fig. 4a) to Edo (a point of high altitude in the Edo Castle, 33m asl, Fig. 4b), was constructed to meet rapidly increased needs for drinking water and other purposes due to urban expansion of Edo (Fig. 10).
The higher elevation of the storage and distribution center of the Tamagawa-jyosui aqueduct (33m asl, the height of a 11-story building) with higher potential energy enabled drinking water supply to the entire low-lying newly reclaimed land in the western area of the Sumida-gawa River (including the residential area for feudal lords and the commercial center of Edo depicted in Fig. 5 and 6) by gravity. 

Management practices of aqueduct to maintain clean drinking water
To maintain clean drinking water, action/activity to contaminate water or to degrade water quality was severely prohibited: bathing; fishing/hunting; disposal of any kind of waste; washing (Ito 2010).
Both sides of the 6m (20ft) riparian zone were maintained as forbidden land. Wood cutting and removal of forest floor litter and limbs were strictly prohibited (Ito 2010). Dead phytomass (litter and limbs) is a major source of nutrients for forest vegetation (e.g., Foster and Bhatti 2006). Sufficient supply of available nutrients accelerates the natural process of forest succession, which led to the formation of tall and dense riparian forests (having high LAI), as depicted in the background of Fig. 9. Highly stratified canopy foliage of the riparian forests with high LAI effectively shields solar radiation, which in turn keeps the water flowing in aqueducts cool underneath the canopy. In summer, the inhabitants of Edo appreciated the cool drinking water. 
To provide recreational activities, some spots were open to the public (Fig. 9, 10). In Fig. 9, Hiroshige depicts the Kanda-jyosui aqueduct in low-lying area near the Edo Castle. The Kanda-jyosui aqueduct, 19.6km (12.2miles) long, began at the Inokashira-no ike pond (Fig. 8) and then followed the natural course of the Kanda-gawa River, eventually reaching the small dam here. Owing to the importance of drinking water supply, shrines/temples were strategically placed, while a mansion of a feudal lord was erected on the hill. The great adornment of this area was 椿山 Tsubaki-yama—“Camelia Hill. On the right, a tall and thick residential forest composed of diverse tree species is depicted. The shrine/temple visitors enjoyed the beauty of the surrounding rice paddies and the meandering riparian forests throughout all four seasons (Fig. 4b).  
Despite being 25km (16miles) from the city center, Koganei (Fig. 4a) was one of most popular places to spend time admiring cherry blossoms (Fig. 10). In 1737, the eighth shogun, Yoshimune (16841751), ordered the 6km (3.73miles) long embankments of the Tamagawa-jyosui aqueduct in Koganei planted with some thousand wild cherries (Prunus jamasakura), which created an attractive spectacle when they blossomed in spring.

Governance for reliable, high-quality and inexpensive water supplies
In traditional Eastern philosophy, meeting supply demands for clean drinking water in cities was a key element in urban planning. Understanding sustainability of water resources such as surface and groundwater depends upon regional water cycle through a series of feedback pathways of active vegetation/atmosphere interactions, decisions were made about urban space design and landscaping. The elaborately shaped landscapes by humans, shades of thick urban forests, riparian corridors blowing wind over the cool water currents, and evening coolness brought from summer convective storms contributed to summer climatic comfort in the city.
The countrys self-imposed isolationist foreign policy (16391854) preserved the unique Japanese ways of sustainable freshwater resource availability, from the industrial revolution of the West. Hiroshiges death occurred in 1858, and ten years later came the rapidly changing modern age of the Meiji era.  
At the beginning of the 21st century, global urbanization poses a deepening water-related challenge. The Eastern philosophy depicted by Hiroshige is applicable for urban planning in the cities around the world seeking new paradigms of governance for reliable, high-quality and inexpensive water supplies for people.

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