Sunday, September 16, 2018

Unsustainable groundwater irrigation threatens water and food security: Shaping lush landscapes can change the future of renewability of freshwater resources

           Haruka Yoshimura, Ph.D.

Fig. 1 Strategic placement of high LAI (Leaf area index) vegetation associated with human-made wetlands that support the biological process with sufficient supply of available water. In terms of the global hydrological cycle, water is considered a renewable resource because it is replenished by precipitation (rainfall) (e.g., Postel et al. 1996; Pimentel et al. 2004). Significant portion of precipitation to land is formed in rain-cloud development pathways of regional hydrological cycle via vegetation/atmosphere interaction ( Biological process of terrestrial vegetation, which is harnessed by solar radiation energy, plays an essential role in the renewability of water resources. Shaping lush landscapes to maintain the rain-cloud development pathways in agricultural lands is vital, as approximately 40% of the worlds surface area has been covered croplands and pastures (Foley et al. 2005, 2011; Rumankutty et al. 2008). 

 1.     The greatest consumer of groundwater: groundwater irrigation 

Globally, irrigation is the most important water use sector accounting for about 70% of the freshwater withdrawals and for more than 90% of consumptive water use (not returned to the watershed). A significant share of consumptive water use for irrigation is derived from groundwater. Currently, groundwater supplies over 40% of irrigation water globally (Siebert et al. 2010; Dӧll et al. 2012). The countries with the largest extent of areas equipped for irrigation with groundwater are India (39 million ha), China (19 million ha) and USA (17 million ha) (Siebert et al. 2010). The irrigation expansion during the last half of the 20th century has played a central role in tripling world grain harvest over the last six decades.
Excessive abstraction from aquifers for irrigation is leading alarming rates of groundwater depletion in the important food-producing regions around the world such as northwestern India, the North China Plain, central USA and California. (Aeschbach-Hertig and Gleeson 2012; Famiglietti 2014). As resource of groundwater is critically important for irrigated agriculture, therefore groundwater depletion in the key food-producing regions threatens food security, not only locally, but also globally via international food trade (Famiglietti 2014; Dalin et al. 2017).  
To avoid catastrophic risks from unsustainable groundwater irrigation, new paradigms in land planning and management with a strategic vision aiming to maintain vegetation/atmosphere interaction are urgently needed ( Water is a renewable resource in the sense that evaporated water from oceans, seas, lakes, and rivers returns on land as rainfall (precipitation) via regional hydrological cycle. Biological process of the terrestrial vegetation, which is harnessed by solar radiation energy, plays an essential role in the renewability of water resources through the natural water cycle (  
There is a pressing need to highlight practical solutions of land planning and management in agricultural lands, taking into account the integrity of the natural water cycle and ecological systems that support it.

2.     Fast-growing groundwater exploitation in India and China

2.1. Groundwater depletion threatens Asian Giants food security
Although the Asian giant countries of India and China have long histories of irrigation by surface water over millennia, the advent of unprecedented groundwater-fed irrigation during the last half of the 20th century has fundamentally changed the agricultural landscapes. In the Asian giants, the fast-growing groundwater exploitation has facilitated social development and economic growth via the outstanding gains in agricultural production. However, the sustainability of the agricultural production appears threatened by rapid rates of groundwater depletion (Aeschbach-Hertig and Gleeson 2012; Famiglietti 2014).

2.2. Indias fast-growing groundwater exploitation during the last half of the 20th century
 In India, agriculture is intense and irrigation by surface water has been practiced for millennia. A network of canals diverting and managing monsoon floodwaters of rivers has underpinned the civilization of India over millennia. Until around 1960, India was a relatively minor user of groundwater in agriculture. Although northwestern India had seen some well irrigation even during colonial times, the availability of small mechanical pumps and well-drilling equipment profoundly changed the irrigation system in the country. Indias groundwater-fed irrigation expanded in the early 1970s (Shah 2009).
In India, the number of irrigation wells equipped with diesel or electric pumps increased from some 150,000 in 1950 to nearly 19milliion by 2000 (Shah 2009). The net irrigated area tripled from 21 million hectares in 1950-1 to 63 million hectares in 2008-9; the share of groundwater irrigation through wells rose substantially from 28% to 61% (Gandhi and Bhamoriya 2011).
The largest rates of depletion currently occur in the Indo-Gangetic Plain, encompassing northern India and Bangladesh as well as parts of Pakistan and Nepal (Aeschbach-Hertig and Gleeson 2012). Northern India and its surroundings, home to roughly 600 million people, is probably the most heavily irrigated region in the world. Data from NASAs GRACE satellites indicate decreasing groundwater storage in the entire Indo-Gangetic basin (Tiwari et al. 2009). Likewise, GRACE-based estimates show the groundwater depletion due to unsustainable consumption of groundwater for irrigation and other anthropogenic use over the Indian states of Rajasthan, Punjab and Haryana (including Delhi), where are home of 114 million people (Rodell et al. 2009).

2.3. Chinas food security threatened by groundwater depletion

2.3.1.   Chinas fast-growing groundwater exploitation
Although Chinas recorded irrigation history dates back to 598 B.C., until recently irrigation was never important on most of the North China Plain.
The North China Plain, 320,000 km2 in extent, is home to more than 200 million people. The deep fossil aquifer system of the North China Plain plays a dominant role in Chinas food production, as the region produces more than 61 % of the nations wheat and 45% of the maize (Yang et al. 2015 form National Bureau of Statics of China, 2008). Agricultural production in the North China Plain has increased outstandingly since the 1950s owing to fast-growing groundwater exploitation (e.g., Wang et al. 2006).
In the North China Plain, agricultural production relies heavily on irrigation from groundwater, as almost all rivers are dammed and nearly all usable surface waters are stored in reservoirs for transport to domestic and industrial users in the metropolitan areas (Fang et al. 2010, Moiwo et al. 2010). In the early 1950s, groundwater irrigation was almost non-existent in Northern China; in the 1970s, it rose to 30% of the total irrigation water. After the economic reforms in the late 1970s, groundwater irrigation continued to expand, reaching 58% in 1995. In 2004, most irrigation in northern China came from groundwater resources, and the share of groundwater irrigated areas increased to nearly 70% (Wang et al. 2008). Groundwater levels in the North China Plain have dropped more than one meter per year over the last 40years since the 1970s (e.g., Kendy et al. 2004, Cao et al. 2013, van Oort et al. 2016), indicating that the water use exceeds natural replenishment rate.

2.3.2.   Implication of Chinas pursuit for improvement of irrigation efficiency
As a solution to declining groundwater resources, technical approaches of increasing agricultural water use efficiency is a major focus: lining irrigation canals and ditches; replacing irrigation ditches with underground pipes; replacing flood irrigation with sprinkler and drip systems. These practices improved irrigation efficiency, as a result, total groundwater pumping for irrigation has decreased by more than half. Yet, despite significant achievements in irrigation efficiency, groundwater levels have continued to decline (Kendy et al. 2007). Kendy et al. (2004) suggest that the increasing efficiency with technology is not a sufficient solution to the problem of declining groundwater resources, because these water saving technologies are likely to increase water loss via evapotranspiration and decrease groundwater recharge. For example, canal lining and underground pipes reduce seepage, and therefore, can save water via declined transmission losses. However, they simultaneously decrease groundwater recharge. Likewise, sprinkler which sprays fine droplets into the dry, windy air may increase evaporation compared to traditional flood irrigation.
Current practice of improvement of irrigation efficiency potentially undermines the integrity of groundwater systems to sustain food production, therefore, a viewpoint to increase groundwater recharge and decrease water loss via evaporation/transpiration is required in a solution to the problem of declining groundwater resources.

2.4. Need for a paradigm change in land and water governance

Unsustainable groundwater irrigation in India and China. Both aquifers beneath the Indo-Gangetic Plain and beneath the North China Plain have storage in part of palaeo-groundwater (Foster and Chilton 2003). The current practice of groundwater irrigation in the Asian giants is not sustainable. Although it is unclear how long the current practice of overexploitation can continue, paradigm changes in land and water governance are required to avoid catastrophic risks (Fig. 1).

3.          Ancient lush landscapes that brought sufficient precipitation

3.1. Role of precipitation in the global hydrological cycle
In terms of the global hydrological cycle, water is considered a renewable resource because it is replenished by precipitation (rainfall). (e.g., Postel et al. 1996; Pimentel et al. 2004). Solar radiation energy causes evaporation. Water moves from Earths surface into the atmosphere via evaporation. Evaporation from the oceans constitutes 86% of evaporated water from the Earth. Although only 14% of the water evaporation is from land, about 20% of the worlds precipitation falls on land, with the surplus water returning to the oceans through rivers (Shiklomanov 1993).  Thus, solar radiation energy transfers a significant portion of water from oceans to land areas. This aspect of the global hydrological cycle is vital to our water and food security (e.g., Pimentel et al. 2004). 
Significant portion of the freshwater from oceans to land areas is recurring by rain-cloud formation pathway of regional hydrological cycle via vegetation/atmosphere interaction ( 

3.2.  Fossil aquifer recharge under ancient wetter climate
The groundwater systems exist closely linked with regional climate, the landscape above and the biosphere (Alley et al. 2002; Scanlon et al. 2006; Edmunds 2009, 2012; Taylor et al. 2013). The main source of groundwater recharge originates from precipitation. The rapidly depleting groundwater resources in the aquifers beneath northwestern India and the North China Plain are stored in fossil aquifers (Aeschbach-Hertig and Gleeson 2012). Global in scope, some of the fossil aquifers were most recently replenished under wetter climates during the late Pleistocene and early Holocene, e.g., up to 13,000 years ago in the central High Plains aquifer in USA (McMahon et al. 2004, 2011) or even one million years ago in the Sahara of North Africa (Sturchio et al. 2004).  The sufficient precipitation under ancient wetter climates played an essential role in the fossil groundwater recharge (Edmunds 2009, 2012).

3.3.  Essential role of transpiration from terrestrial vegetation in rain-cloud formation
The rain-cloud formation via the vegetation/atmosphere interaction has seasonality. A phenomenon of cumulonimbus cloud formation in the summer sky along mountain slope that brings summer convective storm is a prominent case of precipitation (rainfall) via the vegetation/atmosphere interaction. The formation process of the cumulonimbus cloud is a visible indicator of the active vegetation/atmosphere interaction ( In this manuscript, I discuss the vegetation/atmosphere interaction focusing on summer cumulonimbus cloud formation.
In cumulonimbus cloud formation, the primary pathway in which evaporated water returns to the regional hydrological cycle starts with the condensation process at ocean waterfront through interaction between warm moisture evaporated from the ocean and cool moisture released from vegetation by transpiration. The temperature of a developing cloud is warmer, as condensation releases latent heat. The following pathway occurs in vast tracts of land from the ocean waterfront to mountain slopes. The moisture condensed at the waterfront travels by atmosphere to mountain slopes where small water droplets grow into large droplets heavy enough to fall as rain. The conveyance by atmosphere over the inland is maintained by continuous supply of cool moisture via transpiration from terrestrial vegetation. While traveling over land from waterfronts to mountain slopes, the warm air containing abundant small water droplets grows massive as adding moisture via the occurrence of steady condensation between two moistures of different temperatures: the warm developing cloud and cool transpiration (colder than the dew-point of the warm moisture from the waterfront). In addition, the developing cloud grows dense and heavy as coalescence of droplets makes each droplet larger and heavier.
3.4. Ancient forests for wetter climate control
Groundwater is an active part of the regional hydrological cycle, often closely linked to surface water landscapes (Alley et al. 2002; Scanlon et al. 2006; Taylor et al. 2013).
The sufficient precipitation under ancient wetter climates played an essential role in the fossil groundwater recharge. In the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere, the ancient wetter climates were maintained by the ancient deep angiosperm-dominated forests mixed with coniferous trees such as fir (Abies) (
The crucial crop-producing areas in the Asian giants are mostly located in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere. The North China Plain is located latitudes between 34°N and 41°N, and longitudes between 113°E and 121°E in the eastern part of China. The Indo-Gangetic Plain encompasses northern India and Bangladesh as well as parts of Pakistan and Nepal. Although it is not fully possible to define the Indo-Gangetic Plain, it roughly has a geographical extent of 22°–35° North latitude and 66°–93° East longitude. Thus, the Indo-Gangetic Plain is mostly located in the temperate zone, except for the lower reaches of the combined delta of the Brahmaputra River and the Ganges River (the part of Bangladesh located in the tropical zone).
During the Jurassic Period (145201 million years ago) of the Mesozoic Era, the Age of Dinosaurs, the Earth was covered with non-flowering plants such as ferns, horsetails, and gymnosperms (seed-producing non-flowering plants). Jurassic gymnosperms included seed-bearing trees: Cycas, Ginkgo and conifers such as yew (Taxus), the monkey puzzle tree (Araucaria), and cypress (Cupressus). The rapid diversification of angiosperms (flowering plants) in the early Cretaceous led to fundamental changes of terrestrial landscapes to angiosperm-dominated ecosystems of the Cenozoic Era (e.g., Crane et al. 1995).
During the Tertiary Period (2.666 million years ago) of the Cenozoic Era, a mostly continuously distributed angiosperm-dominated forest formed. Later, human evolution began in the Quaternary Period (2.6 million years ago and continuing to present day) of the Cenozoic Era.

3.5.       Contribution of deep ancient forests on sufficient precipitation
Terrestrial biomes have spatial variation in structure, depending on leaf area index (LAI). LAI is generally defined as one-sided green leaf area per unit ground area in broadleaf canopies, and variously defined (projected or total) in needle canopies. A high LAI of over 8 is the level found in mature forests such as ancient temperate forests, having highly stratified structure of canopy foliage composed of mixture of conifers, broad-leaved evergreen and broad-leaved deciduous trees with understory vegetation of diverse vascular plants (flowering plants, conifers, ferns, horsetails and clubmosses) (Fig. 2c). Whereas the LAI is low in grasslands and crop lands, as the leaf stratified structure is thinner and simpler (Fig. 2b). The LAI is zero on bare soil, farm land prior to crop emergence and urban surfaces (Fig. 2a).
 LAI, indicating effectiveness of solar radiation interception, is used as the principal variable for estimation of photosynthetic primary productivity (e.g., Nemani et al. 2003). Under a condition with a constant supply of water, transpiration is positively correlated with LAI (e.g., Running and Coughlan 1988, Santiago 2000), as the process of photosynthesis synchronizes with transpiration. Massive transpiration from the ancient temperate forests of high LAI under wetter climates played a crucial role in natural water cycle that evaporated water from the oceans, seas, lakes and rivers returns on land as sufficient precipitation.
Fig. 2 Land cover influences rain-cloud formation mainly via two factors: humidity from land and temperature of the moisture. Highly stratified canopy foliage of ancient temperate forest (having high LAI) effectively shields solar radiation, which in turn keeps soil and soil moisture cool. Deep root systems of the dense forests uptake cool moisture from the soil and extract cold groundwater, accordingly cool moisture releases to the atmosphere via transpiration (c). In cropland and pasture areas (b), foliage of thinner and simpler leaf stratified structure shields solar radiation partly; consequently, rest of solar radiation warms soil and soil moisture. Shallow root systems of the low LAI vegetation uptake the warm moisture, consequently warm moisture releases to the atmosphere via transpiration. Absorbed solar radiation by the land surface is portioned to sensible heat flux, longwave radiation (long wave flux or the storage), and warm evaporation (latent heat). (a): The incoming solar radiation is absorbed by dry urban surface covered by impenetrable materials such as asphalt and concrete. The absorbed solar radiation energy is almost exclusively transferred to heat (sensible heat flux and longwave radiation), eliminating evapotranspiration. 

3.6.   Historical unforeseen disruption in regional hydrological cycle due to vegetation loss
Historically, populations have preferred to live within the near coastal-zone, near major rivers (Small and Nicholls 2003) and near lakes. By the human activity for agriculture or settlement, original forests within the near coastal-zone and near major rivers/lakes have been cleared during the human evolution.
Loss of forests in large area probably caused unforeseen changes in regional hydrological cycle. Loss of forests at waterfront causes to cease of the primary pathway of condensation. In the inland areas from the waterfronts to mountain slopes, loss or fragmented supply of cool moisture via transpiration hampers the conveyance of rain-cloud source by atmosphere. These factors lead to local decreases in precipitation (rainfall) due to loss or fragmented vegetation/atmosphere interaction in rain-cloud formation. Subsequent disruption of natural water cycle induced the vast tracts of forest degradation even in remote mountainous areas from the coastal zones, as forests of high LAI are unable to survive without a sufficient and constant supply of available water. The large-scale forest degradation adversely affected regional hydrological cycle, which in turn may have magnified drying. 

4.     How the integrity of regional hydrological cycle may have been lost

4.1.  Massive cool transpiration from high LAI vegetation returns via rainfall
Land cover, the large-scale character of the vegetation covering the landscape, contributes regional hydrological functioning. Canopy foliage of forest of high LAI effectively shields solar radiation (e.g., Yoshimura et al. 2010), which in turn keeps soil and soil moisture cool underneath the canopy foliage (e.g., Jones et al. 2003). Deep root systems of the dense forests uptake cool water from the soil and extract cold groundwater (Fig. 2c). Tall trees transport the water of low temperature from the root systems to leaves; subsequently transported water returns as cool moisture to the atmosphere from stomata of leaves via transpiration. Active condensation occurs between the massive cool transpiration from forest and the developing cloud (moisture condensed at waterfront). During the conveyance by atmosphere, the developing cloud continues to grow, as small water droplets accumulates by active condensation between cool transpiration and the moving warm air mass from the waterfronts. Subsequently, massive cool transpiration from high LAI forests backs into the regional hydrological cycle via the vegetation/atmosphere interaction and returns as rainfall.

4.2.  Less active interaction of warm transpiration/evaporation from cropland and pasture in rain-cloud formation
Warm transpiration/evaporation from agricultural land. In cropland and pasture areas, foliage of thinner and simpler leaf stratified structure with short vegetation heights (having low values of LAI) shields solar radiation partly (Fig. 2 b). Rest of solar radiation warms soil and soil moisture, and the part of absorbed solar radiation energy is partitioned to evaporate from land surface. Crops uptake the warm water from the soil by shallow root systems and transport the water to leaves, subsequently release the warm moisture to the atmosphere from stomata of leaves via transpiration. Crops, having low values of LAI, release less amount of transpiration than from the high LAI vegetation. Likewise, pasture releases less amounts of the fluxes of warm moisture through transpiration.
Amount of the warm moisture through evaporation in agricultural land may be rather huge, mainly via two factors: increase in bare soils resulting from widespread use of herbicides (weed-killers) and current trend in increase in temperature. Use of herbicides in agriculture contributes remarkable gains in agricultural production from the time when the first modern herbicide, 2,4-D was commercially released in 1946. However, negative effect of herbicide use to hydrological cycle through the alteration of surface energy balance by vegetation removal may not be negligible. Current practice of widespread use of herbicides over large areas increases the area of bare soil of zero LAI. On the bare soil, a part of the incoming solar radiation reflects back, and the rest of solar radiation is absorbed and partitioned to sensible heat flux, longwave radiation (long wave flux or the storage), and warm evaporation (latent heat). Warm evaporation from bare soil may be rather outstanding, as large bare areas act as deserts. In addition, current trend of increased temperature accelerates evaporation from the bare soil.
In croplands and pastures, these fluxes of warm moisture through transpiration/evaporation may interact less active in producing condensation with the developing clouds. Warm evaporation/transpiration released from cropland and pasture areas is not sufficient in keeping sequential pathway of the moisture conveyance by atmosphere in rain-cloud formation.
Historical expansion of agricultural land. Forest clearance for grain agriculture occurred more than 10,000 years ago in the historical region of Fertile Crescent in the Tigris-Euphrates river basin, often referred to as the cradle of civilization, (in present-day Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and Iran) (Ruddiman 2003). In China, agriculture appeared in the forested regions by 9,400 years ago. In western India, grain agriculture similar to the Fertile Crescent appeared by 8,500 years ago (Ruddiman 2003).
In 1700, the Indo-Gangetic Plain and China already have extensive croplands owing to a long history of agricultural practice. Over the next three hundred years, from 1700 to 1992, croplands expanded and intensified into areas of forests /woodlands (Ramankutty and Foley 1999).
The large geographical areas of non-negligible forest clearance for grain agriculture may have affected regional hydrological cycle through changes in temperature and amount of moisture fluxes via transpiration/evaporation. Warm moistures from croplands are not sufficient in keeping the continuous rain-cloud formation pathways. Consequently, land-cover changes in turn resulted in disruptions of the natural water cycle.
Humaninduced land cover changes, forest clearance for grain agriculture, may have changed the natural water cycle as early as the middle Holocene, ca., 5000 years ago. In southern Arabian Peninsula (present day Yemen), unique irrigation agriculture system (date-palm gardens and cereal cultivation) adapted to scarce water resource conditions has been seen in many archaeological sites of 5,000 years ago (e.g., Lezine et al. 2010). The widespread use of irrigation agriculture adapted to arid or semi-arid conditions suggests that the regional hydrological cycle had already been disrupted around 5,000 years ago.

4.3.  Warm or hot evaporation from land may not return as rainfall
Two factors, humidity from land and the temperature (cooler than the dew-point of the moisture of the developing cloud), are necessary in order for condensation to occur in the vegetation/atmosphere interaction. On the soil surface of zero LAI (on bare soil, or farm land prior to crop emergence), solar radiation warms soil (e.g., Jones et al. 2003) and soil moisture, which causes evaporating water from land surface. The moisture via evaporation may be not cooler than the dew-point of the moisture of the developing cloud. Therefore, condensation does not occur between the warm water vapour via evaporation and the warm air mass containing moisture.
Drylands in arid or hyper-arid zones are characterized by lack of precipitation coupled with high evaporation rate (e.g., Sharaf and Hussein 1996; Edmunds 2009). These characteristics suggest that warm or hot water vapour via evaporation from land does not return to the regional hydrological cycle and therefore does not return as rainfall. Neither condensation nor coalescence occurs between two fluxes of evaporation: warm or hot fluxes of evaporation from land and fluxes of evaporation from the water bodies. 

4.4.        Fragmented pathway of rain-cloud formation due to expansion of impervious surface area of zero LAI

4.4.1.   Collapse of pathway due to large geographic area of urbanization
Expansion of impervious surface area of zero LAI. Vitousek (1997) remarks that growing land transformation is a significant element that contributes to local and regional climate change. Currently, land transformation by anthropogenic land-use activities is becoming a force of global importance on human food production and climate change (Foley et al. 2005). 
Globally, urbanization is the primary process of land transformation (Seto and Ramankutty 2016). Urban land expansioncreating human-dominated form of land use for housing and activities of urban populationshas increased impervious areas: paved road, parking lots, and buildings. The dry urban surfaces covered by impenetrable materials such as asphalt and concrete directly influence surface energy balance (Oke 1982). The incoming solar radiation is absorbed by the dry impervious surface that rainwater does not infiltrate into it. This solar radiation energy is almost exclusively transferred to heat: sensible heat flux and longwave radiation flux (storage), eliminating evapotranspiration (latent heat flux). The excessive heat greatly alters urban airflow by heat convection and forms a dry and hot air layer over the entire city caused by complex air movement of upward sensible heat flux and downward heat flux (Oke 1982).
Neither condensation nor coalescence occurs over the large areas of hot dry urban surfaces, due to the lack of two necessary factors: humidity from land and the cooler temperature. Thus, pathways of the development of cumulonimbus convective rainfall are collapsed due to urban land expansion.
4.4.2.   Fragmented pathway due to land transformation in agricultural areas
Increasing impervious area in agricultural land. The expansion of infrastructure and agricultural need to support an ever-growing population has quickened the pace of land transformation of agricultural land in recent decades (Hooke et al. 2012). Conversion of land for infrastructural purposes (e.g., rural housing and businesses, highways and roads in rural areas) has increased impervious areas. The dry surfaces covered by impenetrable materials such as asphalt and concrete directly influence surface energy balance. The incoming solar radiation is absorbed by the dry impervious surfaces and the solar radiation energy is exclusively transferred to heat: sensible heat flux and the long wave radiation flux (storage), which in turn has resulted in unforeseen fragmentation of pathways of rain-cloud formation.
In addition, construction of engineering works such as lining canals for improvement of irrigation efficiency has increased dry surfaced networks covered by impenetrable materials such as asphalt and concrete. The dry surfaced networks also directly influence surface energy balance, causing of fragmented pathways of rain-cloud formation.

4.5.   Deterioration of biological process of terrestrial vegetation 

4.5.1.      Critically important role of ocean waterfront in rain-cloud formation
Globally, evaporation from the oceans constitutes 86% of evaporated water from the Earth (Shiklomanov 1993). Biological process of the coastal vegetation (in particular high LAI) plays a critical role as the primary pathway in which evaporated water from the oceans return to the regional hydrological cycle (Fig. 3).
Disrupted functioning of the primary pathway of marine shorelines. There is a long history of estuarine and coastal ecosystems disruption by human activities such as habitat transformation, land reclamation, coastal development (Lotze et al. 2006; Barbier et al. 2011). To reduce storm surges or mitigate erosion, humans fortify marine shorelines with coastal defense structures such as jetties and sea walls. In Europe alone, 22,000 km2 of the coastline is artificially covered with concrete and asphalt. The greatest urban development occurs in the Euro-Mediterranean coasts and about two thirds of the coastline is urbanized (Airoldi and Beck 2007).
Although returning fresh water from ocean to land is vital to our water and food security, the functioning of estuarine and coastal ecosystems as the primary pathway of rain-cloud formation is severely degraded.

Fig. 3 Globally, evaporation from the oceans constitutes 86% of evaporated water from the Earth (Shiklomanov 1993). Strategic placement of high LAI vegetation in estuarine and coastal zone is essential in functioning as the primary pathway for evaporated water from oceans returning back to land as rainfall.
4.5.2.      Fragmented pathway due to human impacts on terrestrial vegetation
Lost forests and lost functioning of rain-cloud formation. Biological processes on land, photosynthesis and transpiration, have a direct effect on rain-cloud formation. (Gross) primary productivity, the amount of photosynthetically fixed carbon, increases depending on LAI (e.g., Odum 1971). High LAI terrestrial ecosystems having the highly stratified structure of canopy foliage (Fig. 2c) have highest quantity of the biological process on land.
During the Tertiary Period of the Cenozoic Era prior to human evolution, a mostly continuously distributed temperate forest covered the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere (e.g., Xiang et al. 1998). The ancient temperate forests (having high LAI, Fig. 2c) functioned as a complete (unbroken) pathway for the rain-cloud formation.
In many temperate regions, ancient temperate forests became degraded and were then lost by human activities for agriculture or settlement. For example, extensive forests once existed in the Middle East and North Africa are now almost entirely deforested. Consequent reduction or loss of the biological process on land leads to highly fragmented pathway of rain-cloud formation.
Ignored functionality of fresh water on land surface for terrestrial vegetation. In terms of the global hydrological cycle, the overall quantity of fresh water is only about 2.5% and two-thirds of this fresh water is locked in glaciers and ice caps (Shiklomanov and Rodda 2003). Approximately 0.3% of the Earths fresh water is held in rivers, lakes and reservoirs (Shiklomanov and Rodda 2003; Pimentel et al. 2004).
Water existing on the land surface is source of life, as the renewability of water resources is controlled by active biological process of terrestrial vegetation. The flow of rivers and streams is the bloodstream of the biosphere, as the flowing freshwater supports the biological process of terrestrial vegetation.
However, the water supplying functioning for terrestrial vegetation is greatly ignored in current practice. To control rivers/streams for irrigation, hydropower, and flood mitigation, humans have modified the flows by constructing engineering works (Vörösmarty and Sahagian 2000, Nilsson et al. 2005). In addition, the adjoining riparian zones have been transformed by wetland reclamation and dredging, and then almost lost (Jansson et al. 2007). Subsequently, disrupted biosphere dynamics caused by current water management undermine the natural cycle of water.

5.      Shaping lush landscapes for stabilization of water supply

5.1.       Terrestrial renewable fresh water supply: precipitation on land
Dynamic water resources depending upon biological process of terrestrial vegetation. Precipitation on land is the main source of fresh water for all human use and for terrestrial ecosystems. The terrestrial renewable fresh water supply equals precipitation on land (Postel et al 1996), significant portion of which is a dynamic resource controlled by biological process of terrestrial vegetation. Therefore, stabilization of water supply requires governance of land and water to shape unbroken pathway of active and massive biological process for rain-cloud formation.

5.2.  Architecture of unbroken pathway of the rain-cloud formation

5.2.1.   Importance of the first step of rain-cloud formation
Active and massive biological process of terrestrial vegetation in estuarine and coastal zone is vital as the primary pathway of rain-cloud formation (Fig. 3). Similarly, active and massive biological process of vegetation in riparian zones (of rivers, streams, lakes and wetlands) is essential as the primary pathway of rain-cloud formation in inland areas. The river restoration (e.g., Bernhardt et al. 2005) taking into account the strategic viewpoint of shaping unbroken pathway of the rain-cloud formation can lead to restoration of the natural water cycle.

5.2.2.   Active pathway of the rain-cloud formation in agricultural area
To fulfil the required demand for sufficient precipitation for irrigated agriculture and domestic needs, governance of land and water is one of the oldest activities practiced in Eastern philosophy ( Acknowledged that the terrestrial renewable fresh water supply is maintained by massive transpiration released from terrestrial vegetation, lush landscapes were shaped in agricultural areas (Fig. 1).
While the Ramsar Convention ( is an inter-governmental conservation treaty primarily for the importance of wetlands as a habitat for migratory birds, human-made wetlands (irrigation channels, canals, creeks, ponds, and ditches) have utilized for provision of a low-cost, self-sufficient method of natural irrigation for the terrestrial vegetation. Sometimes, meandering irrigation channels were designed to make the residence time of water on land longer. In turn, this infiltration from the flows provides vegetation-available soil moisture effectively and for longer time (Fig. 1).
Reedbeds, which naturally occur in transition zone between land and water, play a valuable role in connecting the massive transpiration from the sacred groves and riparian forests. The dense tree foliage shields solar radiation and keeps the water of canals/creeks cool underneath the canopy. The root systems of reeds uptake the water from the steady flow of cool water, accordingly cool moisture releases to the atmosphere via transpiration. 
Since ancient times, Japanese highly praised the functionality of reedbeds, so Japan has been poetically described as 豊葦原瑞穂国 (Land of eternal rich harvest of grain along with lush green reedbeds). This poetical description is seen in Kojiki (古事記, An Account of Ancient Matters, dating from the early 8th century, A.D. 711712), the oldest extant chronicle in Japan. The effectiveness of the strategy of shaping the unbroken pathway of rain-cloud formation has been tested and proofed over a millennium in Japan.

5.2.3.      Spatial design to mitigate the negative effect of impervious area 
Increased impervious areas undermine integrity of the rain-cloud formation due to the change of surface energy balance. Appropriate spatial design of landscape can mitigate the negative effect of surface energy balance change (Fig. 4a, b).
Strategic placement of shade trees associated with human-made wetlands can maintain the connectivity of the flow of rain-cloud formation pathway. Trees with huge canopies shield solar radiation, which in turn keeps impervious areas cool underneath the canopy foliage. Deep root systems of the trees uptake cool water and releases cool moisture to the atmosphere via transpiration.
 High LAI vegetation can provide the functional effectiveness of keeping the connectivity of the flow of rain-cloud formation pathway by massive transpiration. Over geological time, high LAI vegetation such as mature temperate forests have evolved to maximize the biological process (photosynthesis and transpiration) forming tall spreading canopies and highly stratified foliage structure composed of biodiversity (Fig. 2b). In current practice, land use has caused declines in biodiversity through the loss, modification and fragmentation of habitats (Pimm and Raven 2000). 
As high LAI vegetation requires a sufficient and constant supply of available water for the active biological process, appropriate placement of human-made wetlands (e.g., Fig. 4a: ditches along roads; Fig. 4b: pond/canal) that support the biological process with sufficient supply of water is essential,
To keep connectivity of the flow of rain-cloud formation pathway, site-specific spatial design appropriate for biogeographic history, topographical features and cultures is vital.   
Fig. 4a Land transformation influences precipitation and the ongoing rapid land conversion can disrupt the water cycle (Pielke et al. 2007). Strategic placement of shading by tree canopies over the impervious surfaces associated with human-made wetlands (e.g., ditches along a road in Fig. 4a; pond/canal in Fig. 4b) that provide natural irrigation can maintain the connectivity of the flow of rain-cloud formation pathway.
Fig. 4b The terrestrial renewable fresh water supply equals precipitation on land (Postel et al 1996). Stabilization of water supply requires the strategy of shaping unbroken pathway of rain-cloud formation of high LAI vegetation having high photosynthetic primary productivity composed of biodiversity.

6.     Governance of land and water for sufficient precipitation on land

Land transformation influences precipitation and the ongoing rapid land conversion can disrupt the water cycle (Pielke et al. 2007). Through the loss, degradation and fragmentation of the pathway of rain-cloud formation, precipitation on land has changed in its pattern: disruption of vegetation/atmosphere interaction and consequent disappearance of the summer convective storms that occur frequently and regularly, drought, and occasional torrential rain (heavy snow) due to frontal storm that occur infrequently and irregularly. We humanity face an unprecedented challenge to produce enough food under the condition that the unstable terrestrial renewable fresh water supply (precipitation on land) is a major constraint. This challenge requires a global shift to governance of land and water to shape unbroken pathway of rain-cloud formation: connectivity of high photosynthetic primary productivity of terrestrial biomes. As connectivity of high photosynthetic primary productivity of land vegetation is essential in the renewability of water resources via vegetation/atmosphere interaction.
Currently croplands and pastures occupy approximately 40% of the Earths terrestrial surface (Foley et al. 2005, 2011; Rumankutty et al. 2008). Globally, about 70% of the freshwater withdrawals is used for agriculture. Acknowledged that the terrestrial renewable fresh water supply originates precipitation on land, restoration of the integrity of regional hydrological cycle and the ecological systems in agricultural lands is urgently required.
To replenish fossil aquifers, governance of land and water is also required, as groundwater is a dynamic part of the hydrological cycle closely linked to water landscapes above and regional climate.  
There is an urgent need for decision-making and policy action to explicitly take into account the role and functionality of biological process of terrestrial vegetation to sustain our civilization with water and food security.

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