Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Returning precipitation to degraded lands: Eastern Philosophy in land planning and management as depicted in Ukiyo-E

Returning precipitation to degraded lands: Eastern Philosophy in land planning and management as depicted in Ukiyo-E

 Haruka Yoshimura, Ph.D.
Fig.1 Seven-mile Beach in Sagami Province (Kanagawa: 35°18 N, 139°30 E) from the series Thirty-Six Views of Mount Fuji. Hokusai, originally published 18311833. The perspective print depicts basic requirements for the formation/development of cumulonimbus clouds: sequential lush landscapes from the coasts to the high inland mountains with continuous adequate supply of cloud condensation nuclei and moisture via transpiration.

Droughts, growing food insecurity and consequent socio-economic disruption
The increase in frequency and severity of extreme droughts is still under debate (Sheffield 2012; Dai 2013; Trenberth et al. 2014), although recent droughts affect every region of the world, including Europe, United States, Australia, Africa and Asian countries (Haile 2005; Seager et al. 2007, 2015; Hoerling et al. 2012; van Dijk et al. 2013; Lewis and Karoly 2013; Miyan 2015). Agricultural production in some regions of the world is already suffering from recent droughts, threatening future global food security.
In the winter of 20072009, the Tigris-Euphrates River Basin, often referred to as the Cradle of Civilization was hit by an intense and prolonged drought episode (Trigo et al. 2010). The consequent decline of agricultural productivity triggered mass migrations to urban areas (Chulov 2009; Voss et al. 2013).
In Syria, prolonged drought between 20062011 caused widespread multiyear agricultural failures, which in turn accelerated migrations to urban areas estimated at 1.5 million people. These factors further contributed to urban unemployment, economic dislocation and social unrest. Syrias political difficulties and the ongoing civil war stem from spreading water shortage and ever-growing food insecurity despite other complex interrelated factors (Gleick 2014; Kelley et al. 2015).
The socio-economic disruption caused by drought and consequent food insecurity are already realities, which in turn has resulted in over one million refugees and migrants to Europe in 2015 alone (UNHCR 2015), threatening European socio-economic stability.

Structural solutions: Returning precipitation to degraded lands
Historically, a number of regions of the earth have experienced significant regional climate changes coinciding with deforestation by human activities. Christopher Columbus, according to his son Ferdinand, knew from experience that deforestation of the Canary, Madeira, and Azores islands led to a decrease of mist and rain. Columbus attributed the summer afternoon rains in Jamaica and elsewhere in the West Indies to the islands luxuriant forests (Shukla and Mintz 1982). In the Caribbean Sea, he must have observed the puffing of cumulonimbus clouds that brought rain squalls every afternoon. As he knew, the great forests play a crucial role in the formation/development of cumulonimbus clouds.
Ancient Japanese knew through experience the connection between deforestation and drier conditions affecting some regions, and subsequently developed procedures of civil engineering that return precipitation to degraded lands. Historical accounts of these practices have been passed down through oral tradition among some governors and village officers families (
The art of Ukiyo-e (Japanese wood-block prints) by Hokusai (17601849) and Hiroshige (17971858) had considerable influence on European art, with both Monet and Van Gogh drawing much inspiration from them (e.g., Welsh-Ovcharov 1999). These wood-block prints have sometimes depicted renowned landscapes featuring vast cumulonimbus cloud formations (Fig.1), showcasing the efforts of Japanese traditional civil engineering that successfully returned precipitation to degraded lands.

Strategic land planning and management to ensure summer convective storms
Rice (Oryza sativa) is one of the important cereal crops and is consumed as a staple food for much of worlds population, especially in Asia including Japan. As rice production requires adequate water supply during the growing season, natural water supply to rice paddies through direct rainfall is most optimal and desirable. Therefore, traditionally Japanese have paid special respect to the summer thunder storms, afternoon rains that last for about an hour, as blessed water for grains growth. In earlier times, Japanese attributed summer thunder storms to the activities of the Thunder Goblin and Wind Goblin (Fig. 2).
The rainfall that supports terrestrial ecosystems, including most of human food production, comes largely from water evaporated from the oceans (e.g., USGS). Ancient Japanese distinguished between summer convective storms and (winter) frontal storms. The (winter) frontal storms usually form when a warm, moist air mass containing water evaporated from the ocean meets a cold, dry air mass from the north. Conversely, landscapes (forests, mountains and water bodies) play an important role in the formation/development of cumulonimbus clouds and thereby the occurrence of summer convective storms.
In order to avoid a summer drought, a strategy of land planning and management to ensure summer convective storms was considered an important core issue of governance in traditional Eastern philosophy.

Fig. 2 Cheerful Thunder Goblin and Wind Goblin on their mission of producing summer thunder storms. At one time, Japanese adored them as their activities brought fertility. Sotatsu Tawaraya, early 17th C.

Landscape architecture for formation/development of cumulonimbus clouds

Coastal zone where two bodies of moist-air with different temperatures collide
Key role of coastal forests for condensation. To form clouds, condensation is the key process by which water vapour in the atmosphere turns into fine water droplets. In the formation/development of cumulonimbus clouds for summer convective storms, the coastal zone covered with dense forests plays a crucial role. When warm moist air containing water evaporated from the ocean meets cool moist air containing water released by transpiration of the dense forests, condensation occurs due to the collision of moisture at different temperatures (Fig. 3).
Fig. 3 Coastal sacred grove and divine spring from the series Eight Views of Ryukyu (Naha, Okinawa: 26°12 N, 127°40 E). Hokusai, 1832. The rainfall that supports land ecosystems comes largely from water evaporated over the ocean. The coastal zone covered with dense forests plays a crucial role, where condensation occurs by interaction between water evaporated from the ocean and cool moisture released by transpiration.

Plant pigments in the terrestrial biosphere absorb the visible range of solar radiation (e.g., Gates et al. 1965). Most of the absorbed energy is used in biochemical cycles of photosynthesis (Blackburn 2007). Canopy foliage of dense forests having high values of leaf area index (LAI) effectively shields solar radiation (e.g., Yoshimura et al. 2010), which in turn keeps soil and soil moisture cool underneath the canopy foliage (e.g., Jones et al. 2003). Deep root systems of the dense forests uptake cool water from the soil and extract cold groundwater. Tall trees transport the water of low temperature from the root systems to leaves, subsequently transported water returns the cool moisture to the atmosphere from stomata of leaves.  
Transpiration in forest ecosystems is positively correlated with LAI (Bréda and Granier 1996; Santiago 2000). Terrestrial ecosystems have spatial variation in structure, depending on LAI. Tall and dense forests with highly stratified structure of canopy foliage, characterized by high LAI values, can provide large amounts of cool moisture by transpiration to the atmosphere (Fig. 4).
Fig. 4 Tall and dense forests of high LAI can provide large amounts of cool moisture by transpiration. Urban surfaces absorb the incident solar radiation, which is then transformed to sensible heat. Emergence of a zone of vegetation loss disrupts formation/development of clouds that bring rain such as cumulonimbus clouds.

Hokusais print, Seven-mile Beach in Sagami Province (Fig. 1), depicts the formation of cumulonimbus clouds along the south slope of Mount Fuji (35°21 N, 138°43 E), with cloud peaks reaching its height at 3,776 m (12,380 ft). In Hokusais print we have a view through the tall and dense forests from the beach to distant Mount Fuji. The first stage in the formation of cumulonimbus clouds, condensation progression owing to interaction between moisture evaporated from the ocean and cool moisture by transpiration, is depicted as a grey-white veil covering the landscape. We can estimate the height of the dense forests at over 40 m (131 ft) by comparing the traditional thatched fishermans cottages (height around 6 m or 20 ft) overlooking the Pacific Ocean.
Similarly, we also see the first stage in the formation of cumulonimbus clouds in a coastal zone in Naha, Okinawa (26°12 N, 127°40 E) depicted in Fig. 3 (Coastal sacred grove and divine spring). This print of a sacred coastal grove shows clouds forming through condensation progression due to the collision of moisture at two different temperatures, a warmer one from ocean evaporation and a cooler one from transpiration. Grey-white veils of mist produced over the ocean surface is depicted traveling inland as sea breezes blow up along the coastal hills, where the mist is converted to clouds.
Hokusai visualized the function of coastal dense forests in condensation progression, which is an important part of regional water cycle.

Never-ending supply of cloud condensation nuclei from landscapes

Salt from salt spray produced by breaking waves. Water vapour will not condense in air if there are not enough condensation nuclei upon which water vapour can condense. Over the ocean surface, the most common condensation nuclei is salt from salt spray by breaking waves (e.g., Hudson et al. 2011).

The great wave off Kanagawa by Hokusai is one of the best known works of Japanese art in the world. It depicts a huge wave threatening three boats off the coast of Kanagawa (Fig. 1), while Mount Fuji is glimpsed in the deep distance. The clouds seen above Mount Fuji seem to be cumulonimbus. 
From a viewpoint of regional water cycle, it depicts a landscape of condensation nuclei supply for formation of cumulonimbus clouds. In Hokusais print, we have a view of enormous spray droplets ejected from the crest of the breaking waves and the airborne salt particles merging into cumulonimbus clouds. Breaking waves located near coastlines contribute condensation nuclei supply for formation of cumulonimbus clouds.

Fig. 5
The great wave off Kanagawa from the series Thirty-Six Views of Mount Fuji. Hokusai, originally published 18311833. (Image courtesy of the Adachi Institute of Woodcut Prints). Breaking waves located near coastlines contribute condensation nuclei supply for formation of cumulonimbus clouds.

       Supply of cloud condensation nuclei from forests. Over the land surface, forests in physiological process emit large quantities of volatile organic compounds (e.g., terpenes), which condense to form organic aerosols via photo-oxidation (Claeys et al. 2004). The organic aerosols, ubiquitous component of atmospheric aerosols, act as cloud condensation nuclei (Kavouras et al. 1998).
In terrestrial zone, condensation occurs when an area of evaporated water from seas, lakes and rivers collides with cool moisture of transpiration from dense forests, along with a supply of cloud condensation nuclei (large quantities of organic aerosols from dense forests).
Hokusais print, Mishima pass in Kai province (Fig. 6), depicts development of cumulonimbus clouds over a highland piedmont area of Mount Fuji (about 32 km (20 miles) from coast). The Mishima pass (35°23 N, 138°51 E; altitude 1,104 m or 3,622 ft), adjacent to Lake Yamanaka (with an area of 6.49 km2), is a passage of strategic importance, connecting the southern coastal province and northern piedmont area of Mount Fuji. While Lake Yamanaka is concealed, cumulonimbus clouds are depicted above the dense riparian forests of the lake (right), where evaporated water from the lake meets cool moisture of transpiration with cloud condensation nuclei released from the forests.

Fig. 6 Mishima pass in Kai province from the series Thirty-Six Views of Mount Fuji. Hokusai, originally published 18311833. Development of cumulonimbus clouds requires continuous supply of cool moisture of transpiration and cloud condensation nuclei via terrestrial ecosystems, from the coast to high mountains. For active transpiration and cloud condensation nuclei supply, wetlands (streams and lakes) provide natural irrigation for high LAI vegetation.

As depicted in Fig. 1 and Fig. 6, the upslope of Mount Fuji plays a role triggering convection. The turbulent air currents in cumulonimbus clouds turn small water droplets into raindrops heavy enough to fall from clouds. Summer afternoon rainfall from cumulonimbus clouds largely consists of water evaporated from the ocean. To the mountain slope, sea breeze conveys abundant moisture condensed in the coastal zone. To travel to the mountain slope, a continuous supply of cool moisture from transpiration and cloud condensation nuclei from forests is a basic requirement. Heavy air containing abundant moisture droplets passes over vegetation cover to the mountain slope.
Conversely, emergence of a zone of vegetation loss (e.g., due to urbanization) disrupts the movement of the rich moist air from the coast to the mountain slope due to the loss of transpiration and lack of cloud condensation nuclei. Urban surfaces absorb the incident solar radiation, which is then transformed to sensible heat (Fig. 4). When air with abundant moisture droplets from the coast meets an area of hot air from urban structures, this may cause water particles from the coast to shrink by evaporation. Therefore, vegetation loss induces collapse of the formation/development of cumulonimbus clouds.
Fig. 6 depicts an inland landscape to ensure development of cumulonimbus clouds. Dense forests and a giant tree with high LAI release cool moisture of transpiration and cloud condensation nuclei. For active transpiration and cloud condensation nuclei supply, high LAI vegetation requires adequate water. Infiltration from wetlands such as streams and lakes provides a low-cost, self-sufficient natural irrigation. In this print, a meandering stream from Mount Fuji contributes natural irrigation for terrestrial ecosystems. A traveler relaxing with a foot-bath depicted in Fig. 6 implies cold stream water and the cooling effect of the giant tree shade.
Supply of cloud condensation nuclei from volcanoes. It is well recognized that smoke particles from volcanoes or fires act as cloud condensation nuclei (e.g., NOAA). Mount Fuji is currently classified as active with a low risk of eruption. However, classical Japanese literature shows that Mount Fuji had been spewing a spectacular plume of smoke into the atmosphere at least during 8001190 AD. Ancient Japanese recognized that the plume of smoke from volcanoes activates rainfall. Water droplets of cumulonimbus clouds carried by up-currents of air generated from the smoke plume travel upward where the temperature is much cooler, where additional condensation nuclei of smoke from Mount Fuji accumulate.
In Shingon Buddhism (真言宗, meaning True Words) founded by Kūkai (空海, 774835), a rainmaking ritual of consecrated fire was performed on a high mountaintop to activate rainfall over a specific district. This ritual expressed an early recognition in ancient Japan that total land planning/management was essential in preserving fertility.
Regarding the origin of the name of Fuji, legend claims that it came from 不尽 (not + to exhaust), meaning never-ending. Ancient Japanese admired the never-ending functions of Mount Fuji, as the deeply forested mountain slope triggers convection of cumulonimbus clouds and the plume of volcanic smoke activates rainfall, which in turn brings never-ending fertility.

Turbulent air currents in the alpine zone of high mountains
The timberline or forest line is the upper limit of forest growth on the mountains. In the temperate zone of Japan, the timberline is around 2,500 m (8,200 feet) above sea level. Shrubs, stunted trees, heaths and meadows occur in the alpine zone, above the altitudinal limit of the closed canopy forests. On Mount Fuji, small stunted larch trees (Larix leptolepis) are scattered above the upper limit of continuous forests composed of larch, alder (Alnus maximoviczii), and fir (Abies veitchii).
Mountain upslope winds transport moisture air of abundant droplets along the slope with condensation nuclei from forests, thus the droplets increase and/or coalesce with each other to form larger and heavier droplets. Massive moisture air containing abundant heavy droplets generates a downward air current due to gravity. In cumulonimbus clouds, abundant heavy droplets are swept up and down by turbulent air currents. When droplets grow to an intolerable weight no longer supported by updraft, raindrops eventually fall from clouds. 
In Fig. 7, densely forested mountain ridge behind Mount Fuji implies the timberline with cumulonimbus clouds developing over the alpine zone. A bolt of lightning indicates that a summer convective storm with thunder and lightning occurs beneath the summit. 

Fig. 7 Summer convective storm beneath the summit, from the series Thirty-Six Views of Mount Fuji. Hokusai, originally published 18311833. (Image courtesy of the Adachi Institute of Woodcut Prints). The upslope of high mountains plays a role triggering convection of cumulonimbus clouds. Abundant water droplets are swept up and down in the turbulent air currents in cumulonimbus clouds to reach raindrop size heavy enough to fall from clouds.

Since ancient times, high mountains including Mount Fuji have been the subject of religious worship because of their crucial role in the occurrence of precipitation due to interaction between the atmosphere and terrestrial ecosystems. Since ancient times, alpine zones of high mountains have been recognized as a special place to experience turbulent air currents in cumulonimbus clouds.
Shugendo (修験道, meaning the path of training and testing), founded by En no Ozunu (役小角 or En no Gyoja 役行者, 634701), is the primary organizing force for sacred mountains. Sacred mountains were maintained as forbidden land over a millennium, and only shugenja  (修験者, Shugendo practitioners) were allowed to enter these areas. En no Ozunu understood the tragedy of the commons (Hardin, 1968), whereby degradation of natural resources (in particular, deforestation of high mountains) occurs in the pursuit of profit, resulting in changes in precipitation patterns (e.g., drought, disappearance of the summer convective storms, occasional torrential rain due to frontal storms). Well-educated followers of Shugendo at the time contributed to total land planning and management, helping to ensure a clean fresh water supply from the regional hydrological cycle and thus providing food security. To avoid the tragedy of the commons, they designated strategic points in the interaction between the atmosphere and terrestrial ecosystems as holy places. These were worshiped by people, dense forests, giant trees and high mountains (such as holy Mount Fuji) were deemed sacred, thus their function preserved over a millennium.

Strategic land planning and management for returning precipitation to degraded lands
Sequentiality of lush landscapes from the coasts towards inland areas up to the high mountains is essential for the formation/development of cumulonimbus clouds. Cloud formation by the interaction between evaporated water from oceans and landscapes (transpiration from terrestrial vegetation, cloud condensation nuclei supply and local topography) has seasonality. A summer convective storm from cumulonimbus clouds is a notable case of intense interaction between the atmosphere and terrestrial ecosystems.
To return precipitation to degraded lands, comprehensive strategies of land planning and management are crucial. The most important point being, as Hokusais prints depict, an effective strategy to return precipitation by restoring the regional hydrological cycle has been tested and proofed over a millennium in Japan. As droughts in water scarcity regions are posing a serious threat to socio-economic stability and increase risks of regional and international conflicts, new approaches to land planning and management are urgently required.
Geographical distribution of vegetation and high vegetation biomass characterized by high LAI values determine regional hydrological cycle that evaporated water from the oceans, seas, lakes and rivers returns via rainfall (precipitation). If each person in the worlds population of 7.4 billion people (June 2016) removes and/or decreases the amount of vegetation biomass in only a very small nearby area, most of the earths vegetation cover would be altered. Vegetation alteration in geographical distribution and biomass decrease disrupts the interaction between the atmosphere and terrestrial vegetated ecosystems. Thus, public awareness is critical for early realization of returning precipitation to degraded lands.  
Governance for sustainable water supply is the core issue for socio-economic stability. The occurrence of precipitation by interaction between the atmosphere and terrestrial ecosystems ensures a sustainable supply of clean freshwater, which underpin agricultural productivity and contribute to socio-economic stability. To reduce the risk of drought, comprehensive investment in shaping sequential lush landscapes specific to the region is an urgent matter, a goal accomplished through the education and training of a significant workforce of skilled people to manage the task, in addition to a campaign of broad public awareness.

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